Catalogs are a lot of work, and perhaps we start seeing things that aren't there after a while, but it seems like in every catalog we can begin to see themes. Sometimes, just by a fluke, we end up with a number of good things that trace the development of a region or city. Not that we are clever enough to intentionally do it, but they just kind of all arrive organically, without a lot of conscious effort on our behalf, just buying what crosses our paths and lands in our laps.
In this catalog we have amassed an unusual selection of globes...but not the kind you remember from grade school...these contraptions were the latest inventions that were going to make the old style of globes obsolete. Globes that inflate, expand with internal armatures, or simply unfold into three dimensional depictions of the planet. There are three such rarities in this catalog, as well as many other rarities and decorative items. Please visit our webpage and take a look under the category labelled "Catalog 52".
As always, Enjoy!
Curtis & Alanna Bird
The Old Map Gallery